- そんな場合, 経営者が仕事場へ行って作業を自分の目で見るのは効果がある
it is effective in such cases for an executive to visit the shop floor and to see the operations himself 意味
- "it is easy to note the mote in another's eye" 意味
- "it is easy to respond to such noble sentiments as these" 意味
- "it is easy to swim with the stream" 意味
- "it is eaten as a relish" 意味
- "it is eaten cooked like cabbage" 意味
- "it is effectively protected against bacterial infection" 意味
- "it is elegant in appearance" 意味
- "it is eleven o'clock, daylight-saving time" 意味
- "it is encouraging to see young people working together for such worthy ends" 意味
- "it is eaten as a relish" 意味
- "it is eaten cooked like cabbage" 意味
- "it is effectively protected against bacterial infection" 意味
- "it is elegant in appearance" 意味